Thursday, June 28, 2007

All-American Presidential Forum

Overall, the All-American Presidential Forum was interesting. There were no jaw-dropping comments except the last one by Mike Gravel. Why is he in this race anyway? I was pleased with most of the answers from the candidates.

They are not extremely different from each other but I must say that Chris Dodd got my attention with his answers. I don't think he has a snowball's chance in hell of winning the nomination this time but he is definitely one to watch. I must research him to find out what he's about.

There were a few technical dificulties but the questions were on point. The one minute and then 30 second responses didn't allow sufficient time for candidate response.

The candidates I'd give the nod to continue are --- in no particular order --- Obama, Clinton, Edwards and Dodd.

The Republican Forum is scheduled for September at Morgan State University.

***Notes on Live Broadcasst***

The All-American Presidential Forum is live. The expected introductions have been made, camera shots of a few well-known Blacks have been shown and a citizen was allowed to ask a question about racism. Cool.

9:28 PM - DeWayne Wickham asks a question about poverty. Most of the answers are ho-hum and expected. Obama elicits the best response thus far as he takes a potshot at NCLB (No Child left behind) and speaks to treating children as our own.

Senator Dodd speaks of his record. Interesting. Hillary admits that they have failed our children. Good answers.

9:39 PM - Michel Martin asks question about fighting HIV/AIDS. She also quotes alarming statistics about the number of African-American teenagers with AIDS.

Gov. Richardson kinda flubs this question.

John Edwards cited the alarming number of African-American women with AIDS. Need to fully fund finding a cure, need to fund Ryan White bill so that everyone can get treatment and Medicare.

Sen. Obama agreed with Edwards and added a need for education on the issue. Poverty, lack of health care are all interconnected.

Rep. Kucinich - It's time to get serious about health care. We have to end for-profit health care.

Sen. Gravel - Tries too hard to stir up emotion. Education - Yes. Health care - Yes. Put pressure to "end war on drugs which is ravaging your community."

Sen. Dodd - Minority community suffers from a lack of access; it's bigger than just AIDS.

Sen. Clinton - Applause to Hillary on this one. If HIV/AIDS affected white women at the same level it affects Black women, there would be outrage.

Sen. Biden - Policy of neglect on denial. Spoke of efforts to educate and talk about it.

9:51 PM

Reuben Navarette: Economic Disparity

John Edward: Get rid of George Bush's tax cuts. Honor work not just wealth.

Barack Obama: Are we willing to make the investments in genuine opportunity in this country?

Dennis Kucinich: Wealthy need to pay their fair share and the war needs to end.

Sen. Gravel: Tax system where everyone knows what others pay.

Chris Dodd: This guy is giving good answers.

Hillary Clinton: Economy was better in the 1990's. Tax system must be changed.

Bill Richardson: Tax incentives to middle class and businesses. Globalization must work for middle class.

Joe Biden: For the first time in our history there was a shift of tax burden to wage-earners.

DeWayne Wickham: Crime & Punishment

These questions are limited to 30 second answers now. They are coming way too fast to keep up with individual answers.

Issues touched on mandatory minimum sentencing, disparity between sentences for crack and powder cocaine, non-violent criminals and application of law equally. Richardson mentioned necessity of ways to deal with poverty. Edwards admitted that justice system is not color blind. He mentioned drug counseling and other options.

Michel Martin: New Orleans/Hurricane Katrina - Right to Return (I am so digging her hair.)

Hillary has 10 point plan for Gulf coast recovery. Residents treated unfairly. There is nothing to return to now.

Richardson said it is the most disgraceful episode in America helping its people. Force insurance companies to insure Gulf coast residents.

Edwards will appoint someone to cover New Orleans recovery.

Obama mentioned companies (Haliburton) getting rebuilding contracts and not using New Orleans residents to help rebuild. Must have president who understands reality that people of New Orleans were being neglected prior to Katrina.

Reuben Naverette: Outsourcing Jobs

I really like Chris Dodd's answers, he's on point.

Hillary Clinton: Prepare Americans to compete globally. Great answer.

Richardson: Must upgrade science and math skills in this country. So true. Invest in high-tech industries.

Edwards: Eliminate all tax breaks for all companies that take jobs overseas.

For the most part, Barack Obama concurred with previous answers.

Kucinich: Cancel NAFTA and WTO.

DeWayne Wickham: Crisis in Darfur

OK, who is the Chris Dodd guy? I like him.

Hillary: No fly zone.

Biden: We should have imposed no fly zone two years ago.

Richardson: Find ways to stop massive rapes. Did not really answer though.

Edwards: Part of bigger question.

Obama: No fly zone, having protective force is good but what about trade and investment. Great answer.

Kucinich: Stop looking at Africa as a place to exploit people. Stop giving Sudan a pass.

Gravel: Must have president who has moral judgment; most of the people on the stage do not have moral judgment. What an answer to end on without opportunity for response.

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